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Showing posts from May, 2021

Fractured By the FALL, Mended by the CROSS!

FRACTURED BY THE FALL According to Merriam Webster, the definition of fracture is as follows: "Fracture" 1: the result of fracturing : BREAK 2a: the act or process of breaking or the state of being broken Synonyms for fracture include: break, break up, bust, disintegrate, dismember, disrupt, fragment. Doesn’t this describe what has happened in our world today? From the beginning of time as we know it, when man and woman fell in the Garden, relationships and people have suffered fractures. In the Garden, the most significant fracture that was experienced, was with God, Himself. Then the family unit, fractured from GOD and from each other. The rest is history. ALL of us have suffered ‘breaks and “fracturing” in our lives to some degree, at one time or another. I believe Jesus wants us to work through and embrace that brokenness. He wants us to look at it as an opportunity for us to be catapulted too the next level in what He has for us! One of the things the Lord has been talki...

Game Changers are Thermostats, NOT Thermometers!

May 5, 2021   Today, we are talking about Thermostats! Why? I believe that in order to be a Game Changer, you've got to be like a Thermostat and NOT a Thermometer! "While a thermometer is a tool to read a room’s temperature, a thermostat is able to control it. Whether it’s wall or boiler-mounted, this control dial is essential for regulating your home’s temperature." Let’s take a deeper look at what a thermostat is, what types of thermostats there are and how they work. In the natural, one can set the stat to the desired temperature, and when the temperature rises or dips, the mechanics of the thermostat is triggered, to either raise or lower the room temperature. So, how does this concept operate in the spiritual realm?! Well first, the LORD, Himself in His Word has described how our own individual temperatures should be in Revelation 3: "I know all that you do, and I know that you are neither frozen in apathy nor fervent with passion. How I wish you were ei...