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Fractured By the FALL, Mended by the CROSS!


According to Merriam Webster, the definition of fracture is as follows:

1: the result of fracturing : BREAK
2a: the act or process of breaking or the state of being broken

Synonyms for fracture include: break, break up, bust, disintegrate, dismember, disrupt, fragment.

Doesn’t this describe what has happened in our world today? From the beginning of time as we know it, when man and woman fell in the Garden, relationships and people have suffered fractures. In the Garden, the most significant fracture that was experienced, was with God, Himself. Then the family unit, fractured from GOD and from each other. The rest is history.

ALL of us have suffered ‘breaks and “fracturing” in our lives to some degree, at one time or another. I believe Jesus wants us to work through and embrace that brokenness. He wants us to look at it as an opportunity for us to be catapulted too the next level in what He has for us!

One of the things the Lord has been talking to me about is the “fruit ‘of the fracture and brokenness. Most people would question that statement. However, when Jesus body was ‘broken’ for us on the cross, our relationship with God was instantly, restored. The resurrection was the icing on the cake, for us, and Jesus! Jesus was given Kingship and Lordship over all the earth. Satan and death were defeated. We inherited eternity.

While Jesus hung there on the cross, one of the other individuals being crucified with Him was restored. When that prisoner recognized Jesus as a blameless man who was being fractured for no reason, he asked for mercy, he was given it. One could say that Jesus was the only ‘bible/witness’ that man had. 

Jesus, Himself out of His obedience to His Father to endure what He did, for us, was given reward for His obedience. Scripture says, "Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2 - Passion Translation)

So, He embraced the cross, for the Glory set before Him. So, when we enter into the fellowship of the intimacy of the sufferings of Jesus Christ, we are following the MASTER. However, we can also look forward to the Glory, He is setting before us.

That gives me hope, that "fracture" or brokenness in my own life, is not a dead-end street.

There is a mentality that says, ‘overcoming’ is getting victory in what we need it in. But I am
challenging you today that ‘overcoming’ is not necessarily that, but how we “journey” the trial, or “overcome” in the situation.

The Bible also tells us to “count it all joy when we fall into various trials…” (James 1:2) The new perspective is for to embrace the brokenness, knowing as Jesus did, for the Glory set before Him, He endured the cross, so for us also, the same is true. In doing this, we become, ‘overcomers’ and victors.

Often, we WILL see this manifested as well, in the natural, after our spirit overcomes our
flesh! The grace is there for us to do this, as was for Jesus. There are so many stories in the bible that illustrate the power and multiplication of brokenness. One of my favorites is the Feeding of the Five Thousand (an event recorded in ALL four Gospels!)

The loaves had to be broken before the multiplication manifested in the natural! Mary sat at Jesus feet and broke that Alabaster box with fine and costly perfume as a prophetic act of her love for Jesus, and it was a sweet perfume in His nostrils; out of love. It came with a sacrifice to her and we know she was the first to see Jesus after He resurrected from the dead.

There are so many other stories that can inspire us on, in our brokenness. I think there is a message in this and His own brokenness for us, today. We have been mended spiritually by the cross, and inspired to persevere for the Glory set before us, as was in His own life.

Are you broken, and fractured? There is mending at the cross!
Come to Jesus if you don’t know Him! His anointing is there to mend the ‘fractures and breaks’. If you know Him and broken, look forward to the fruit of the “fracture or brokenness”. Believe Him to see His Glory played out in your life, when you ‘count it all joy’. The bible says it will!

Special Note: A loved one recently apologized to me for their brokenness. My reply was:
"we are made in the image and likeness of God. You are perfect and loved just because you are. God loves us as we are, broken or not, just because we are!"

We are in good company. Why? Look at this prophetic description of Jesus in Isaiah:

Isaiah 53 - Passion Translation

"Who has truly believed our revelation?
    To whom will Yahweh reveal his mighty arm?
He sprouted up like a tender plant before the Lord,
    like a root  in parched soil.
    He possessed no distinguishing beauty
    or outward splendor to catch our attention—
    nothing special in his appearance to make us desire him.
He was despised and rejected by men,
    a man of deep sorrows
    who was no stranger to suffering and grief.

We hid our faces from him in disgust
    and considered him a nobody, not worthy of respect.
Yet he was the one who carried our sicknesses
    and endured the torment of our sufferings.
    We viewed him as one who was being punished
    for something he himself had done,
    as one who was struck down by God and brought low.
But it was because of our rebellious deeds that he was pierced
    and because of our sins that he was crushed.
    He endured the punishment that made us completely whole,
    and in his wounding we found our healing.
Like wayward sheep, we have all wandered astray.
    Each of us has turned from God’s paths and chosen our own way;
    even so, Yahweh laid the guilt of our every sin upon him.

He was oppressed and harshly mistreated;
    still he humbly submitted, refusing to defend himself.
    He was brought like a gentle lamb to be slaughtered.
    Like a silent sheep before his shearers,
    he didn’t even open his mouth.
By coercion and with a perversion of justice
    he was taken away.
    And who could have imagined his future?
    He was cut down in the prime of life;
    for the rebellion of his own people,
    he was struck down in their place.
They gave him a grave among criminals,
    but he ended up instead in a rich man’s tomb,
    although he had done no violence nor spoken deceitfully.

Even though it pleased Yahweh
    to crush him with grief,
    he will be restored to favor.
    After his soul becomes a guilt-offering,
    he will gaze upon his many offspring and prolong his days.
    And through him, Yahweh’s deepest desires
    will be fully accomplished.
After the great anguish of his soul,
    he will see light and be fully satisfied.
    By knowing him, the righteous one,
    my servant will make many to be righteous
    because he, their sin-bearer, carried away their sins
So I, Yahweh, will assign him a portion
    among a great multitude,
    and he will triumph
    and divide the spoils of victory with his mighty ones—
    all because he poured out his life-blood to death.
    He was counted among the worst of sinners,
    yet he carried sin’s burden for many
    and intercedes for those who are rebels.

Be encouraged!

- Jo

Lord, we thank you that we don’t have to journey alone in this world. Thank you that you carried our burdens and our broken and fractured natures on the cross. We thank you that as ‘we count it all joy’ and thank you even for the pain, we know by Your word, that you are not only perfecting us spiritually, but we will inherit the glory you have set before us. We thank you, that ‘all things work together for good, for them who are called by you, and your purposes’. So, when the hard places come, we know we are to look for the good around the corner, you will work on our behalf. We will come to expect it! Hope, excited expectation. Thank you for making us overcomers. Thank you for when we are weak, your word says, we are strong. Thank you for your grace that is sufficient for us. Help us let others see the smile, behind the mask of pain, and then ask, ‘How did we do that?” Remember we may be the only ‘bible’ someone sees, before it is too late?!

In Jesus Name,

Extra Verses to help in times of Fracture:

-Romans 8:28
-Philippians 3:10
-Revelation 3:5
-2 Corinthians 12:9
-Matthew 11:28
-Matthew 26:7
-Psalm 51:17

Rev. Josephine Ayers


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